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المراجعة النهائية لمنهج علوم مدارس اللغات الفصل الدراسى الثانى الصف السادس الابتدائى

اذهب الى الأسفل

 المراجعة النهائية لمنهج علوم مدارس اللغات الفصل الدراسى الثانى الصف السادس الابتدائى Empty المراجعة النهائية لمنهج علوم مدارس اللغات الفصل الدراسى الثانى الصف السادس الابتدائى

مُساهمة  امينة الحوت الثلاثاء مايو 17, 2011 3:30 am

Write the scientific term:
1- Levers that have the resistance between the effort force and the fixed point.
2- The type of eclipse that can be seen at night. 3-
An inert gas that is used in the electric lamp. 4-
The phenomenon by which water transports from the soil to the inside of the root hairs. 5- The color of the moon during the starting of the total lunar eclipse. 6-
Two cells that surround the leaf stoma. 7-
Materials that allow the electric current to pass through them. 8-
The faint outer shadow of the moon. 9-
The phenomenon that occurs two times per year in the middle of lunar month. 10- A biological process through which plants lose water in the form of vapour. 11-
The most popular levers in our daily life.
12- The solar eclipse in which the sun appears as a lighting ring.
13- The lunar eclipse in which a part of the moon enters the earth’s umbra.
14- The material that should not be used to put out electric fires.
15- Levers that have the force between the resistance and the fulcrum.
16- A form of energy that is used in operating some machines as television.
17- Openings through which the plant undergoes the transpiration process.
18- Materials not allowing the electric current to pass through them. 19-
They are levers that have the fixed point between the effort force and the resistance force.
20- A tool used to convert the electric energy into lighting.
21- The eclipse in which the sun disappears completely.
22- The outer most layer of the plant root.
23- A coiled thin wire made of tungsten in light bulbs.
24- The process by which plants lose the excess water.
25- Something is used to observe the solar eclipse safely
. 26- The harmful rays emitted from the sun during the solar eclipse.
27- Away of connection in the electric lamps that is used to decrease the luminous intensity as their number increases.
28- The area at which the total solar eclipse appears.
29- Transmission of water molecules through semi permeable membrane from an area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water.
30- The way where the bulbs are connected by branching routes.
Put(√) or (×): 1- The penumbra is the moon’s dark inner shadow.
2- Stomata are widely spread on the upper surface of the plant leaves.
3- There is no danger when touching an electric machine with wet hands.
4- The cone shadow of the moon is called umbra.
5- The effort is between the fulcrum and resistance in the second class levers.
6- Argon is used instead of air inside the bulb of electric lamp to protect the thick copper wires from burning.
7- Stem extends and penetrates the soil to increase the absorption process. 8- The lunar eclipse can last for seven minutes only.
9- Soda water opener is a second class lever, while the fishing tool; is a first class lever. 10- Plant stoma is surrounded by two woody cells.
11- Copper and iron are electric conductors.
12- Root hairs are continuously replaced by new ones.
13- Water is a bad conductor of electricity.
14- The lunar eclipse does not require precautions or special devices to be observed. 15- Water rises inside the plant stem through the wood tissue.
16- The rigid bar of the lever is affected by three forces.
17- Fluorescent lamp contains neon gas.
18- The glass bulb of electric lamp contains atmospheric air.
19- Root hairs extend from the cells of the endodermis layer.
20- In the third class lever, the effort force is between the resistance force and fulcrum.
Complete the following statements:
1-The filament of the light bulb is made of …………. And that is because it has high ………………….. 2-
The solar eclipse phenomenon does not last for more than …………
minutes and ………………… seconds.
3- ……………………… and …………………….. are from the causes of burns resulting from electricity.
4- We should not place the flammable materials such as ………… and ………… near to electric machines that generate heat such as …………. And ……………
5- The light bulb consists of ……….. , …………… and ……………….
6- Doctors advice to use ……………….. to observe the solar eclipse.
7-Tweezers are used to …………….. , while ………………. Is used to move force from place to another place.
8- ………………… eclipse is seen at the morning, while …………. Eclipse is seen at night.
9- In the plant root, the epidermis layer is followed by ……….. layer, then endodermis layer that is followed by ………. Layer, then …………. Layer.
10- The fluorescent lamp consists of …………… , ……………… and ………..
11- The midpoint in the first class lever is ………….., while ……………… is the midpoint in the third class levers.
12- Materials that allow electricity to flow through them are called ……………… 13- …………… eclipse requires safety precautions, while …………. Eclipse does not.
14- Plants get rid of excess water through …………… process, while it makes its own food through ……………………… process.
15- The lunar eclipse occurs in the …………. Of the lunar month when the moon phase is ……………….
16- The inner most layer of plant root is called ……….., while the outermost layer is called ……………………
17- The lighting of the light bulbs does not change if they are connected in ……….
18- ……………… system fixes the plant in the soil.
19- The electric shock occurs as a result of passing …………… through the human body. 20- The nutcracker is an example of the ..................... levers.
The ..................... in plant is surrounded by two guard cells.
Give reasons:
1- Plastic is considered as an electric insulator.
2- Root hairs secrete a sticky substance.
3- The two guard cells change their shape from time to time.
4- We must not touch any electric machine with wet hand.
5- Bottle opener and stapler are second class levers.
6- There is no annular lunar eclipse.
7- Do not place any metallic object inside the electric socket.
8- We cannot see the sun completely during the total solar eclipse.
9- There are pieces of lead in the base of light bulb.
10- Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells
. 11- Nail clipper is a first class lever.
12- The distance between the moon and the earth varies during the moon’s rotation around the earth.
13- We must not touch any electric machine with wet hand.
14- Suction pump is a first class lever.
15- Scientists can mention the times and the locations where the solar eclipse occurs.
16- Plant’s root is branched and extended between the soil particles.
17- The lunar eclipse does not require precautions or special devices to observe it.
18- The filament of the light bulb is made of tungsten.
19- The glass bulb in the light bulb is filled with inert argon gas.
20- You should not look directly to the sun during the solar eclipse.
21- The heater should not be placed in a touching position of textiles and carpets.
What happens when:
1-The moon lies in the earth’s penumbra.
2- The glass bulb of the electric lamp is filled with air.
3- The effort force is between the resistance force and fulcrum.
4- There are no stomata in the plant leaves.
5- A man touches an uncovered wire carrying electric current.
6- The earth prevents some light from reaching the moon’s surface.
7- Plugging several electric machines in the same electric socket.
8- The moon lies in the earth’s penumbra.
9- The root hairs do not secrete a sticky substance.
10- The filament of the bulb is made of iron.
11- The light bulb in the house is connected in series.
12- A plant is kept in the dark for a long period of time.

Best wishes 4 all

امينة الحوت

عدد المساهمات : 385
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2011

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